Private Equity & Principal Investors
Make better, faster people decisions across the deal lifecycle, with our private equity & principal investor advisory solutions.
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Our Approach
GestInvest addresses needs throughout the investment lifecycle, beginning with the due diligence activities relating to IT, finance & accounting, reporting & performance, and operations. In the Integration phase, we assist Private Equity firms across all aspects of portfolio company integration, focusing on the Six Elements of Infrastructure: policies, procedures, people & organisation, reporting, methodologies, and systems & data.
GestInvest works directly with portfolio companies’ executives to improve their operations in business performance, IT, internal audit, compliance, and financial management. As a trusted advisor Protiviti is positioned to help a management team navigate, execute and monitor strategic initiatives that contribute to value creation and achieving the investment thesis.
When it is time to exit an investment, GestInvest’s experts can help. We assist in sell-side due diligence and exit strategy – whether it be via IPO, strategic acquisition, or secondary sale. GestInvest’s Private Equity Consulting professionals have decades of combined experience in preparing companies for IPOs, mergers & acquisitions, and other types of exits.